Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Luck Barry Obama

Good Luck Barry Obama

It was a wonderful Inaugeration Day! Millions attended in person and many millions more watched on TV. Many people cried good tears of happiness during the events.

It was even more wonderful to see ex President Bush fly off into the sunset of retirement that morning, knowing that we shall no more have to deal with his bad judgement and bad Republican mantras. Do not believe for a minute that Bush was friendly to you out of the kindness of his heart, but he wanted to be make sure he was part of the living ex President group and get togethers like those his father participates in. He knew he had to soften his image for the future or he would be blackballed.

George Bush left you with a full plate of problems that you have said you will solve. So you have gotten off to a great start and I think it will continue for a long time. Good luck Barry Obama!