Its All About Good Paying Jobs For American Citizens
Its All About Good Paying Jobs For American Citizens
Whether you are working today in America, or looking out for your children and grandchildren in the future, you must realize that President Bush, the Senate, and the House of Representatives have made it difficult to earn a decent wage and obtain good benefits in America, now and in the future.
For the most part, Americans competed for jobs in America with other Americans for many generations. Our elected officials in Washington, D.C. have changed that so we are also competing with illegal alien invaders for lower skilled jobs in America and H1B Visa holders for the more high educated level jobs in Ameria. Additionally, our leaders in Washington have enabled the flight of tens of millions of other high pay manufacturing and service jobs in America to be outsourced to foreign countries. Some highly reguarded people have forecast that as many as 40 million more jobs will transfer from America to foreign countries within the next few yars. And we know that illegal aliens will increase about 2 million each year because our leaders in Washington will not secure the border.
Another insult to all working class Americans is that our leaders in Washington took about 10 years to increase the federal minimum wage to $7.25 over a period of time, which is really half measure, but they gave themselves several pay increases during the same time period. Ralph Nader said more than a year ago, that to have the same purchasing power as minimum wage during the 1960's, it would have to be increased to $10 per hour right away. Lower pay earners in America will recieve something but they were still cheated.
Every American citizen must be informed to know whether or not their elected officials favor good paying jobs for American citizens. Do they support securing the border? Do they favor the arrest of all employers breaking the law by hiring illegal aliens? Do they support sending the majority of the H1B Visa holders back to their home countries? Do they support the $10 per hour Federal minimum wage? Do they favor amnesty for illegal aliens? Do they want crime to pay and qualify illegal aliens for Social Security and Medicare? Do they want all illegal aliens to be charged local tuition fees instead of out of state fees at your public colleges and universities? Do they favor forcing all government contracts at the Federal, state, and local levels to be given to American companies to employ American citizens? Do they favor all govenment regulated agencies especially those that approve rates for businesses such as electric, gas, telephone, water, waste, cable, and others to force employers to hire American citizens in America? Do they favor arm twisting corporations when it appears they are moving jobs overseas and it is not in America's interest for them to do it? Do they favor selling strategic American businesses to foreign countries?
The vast number of lobbyists in Washington work against working American citizens and we are paying the price for it. They lavish gifts on our elected officials. They donate huge funds for their re-election. The provide luxury travel on private jets to them. The lobbyists have easy access to our elected officials. Lobbiests write many of the bills in the Senate and the House. All elected officials know that if they play ball, then maybe they can obtain a very high paid lobbyist job in the future. There is not a fair number of lobbiests representing average American citizens in Washington. The average American does not have equal access to our elected officials and because of it, our causes are ignored too often.
Every American citizen must ask questions about how their elected officials vote and will vote in the future if they want a future fianancially secure for themselves, their children, and their grandchildren. We must join our local political party and also get involved at the county, state, and federal levels. We must write or email our representatives frequently. We must be informed and vote.
Whether you are working today in America, or looking out for your children and grandchildren in the future, you must realize that President Bush, the Senate, and the House of Representatives have made it difficult to earn a decent wage and obtain good benefits in America, now and in the future.
For the most part, Americans competed for jobs in America with other Americans for many generations. Our elected officials in Washington, D.C. have changed that so we are also competing with illegal alien invaders for lower skilled jobs in America and H1B Visa holders for the more high educated level jobs in Ameria. Additionally, our leaders in Washington have enabled the flight of tens of millions of other high pay manufacturing and service jobs in America to be outsourced to foreign countries. Some highly reguarded people have forecast that as many as 40 million more jobs will transfer from America to foreign countries within the next few yars. And we know that illegal aliens will increase about 2 million each year because our leaders in Washington will not secure the border.
Another insult to all working class Americans is that our leaders in Washington took about 10 years to increase the federal minimum wage to $7.25 over a period of time, which is really half measure, but they gave themselves several pay increases during the same time period. Ralph Nader said more than a year ago, that to have the same purchasing power as minimum wage during the 1960's, it would have to be increased to $10 per hour right away. Lower pay earners in America will recieve something but they were still cheated.
Every American citizen must be informed to know whether or not their elected officials favor good paying jobs for American citizens. Do they support securing the border? Do they favor the arrest of all employers breaking the law by hiring illegal aliens? Do they support sending the majority of the H1B Visa holders back to their home countries? Do they support the $10 per hour Federal minimum wage? Do they favor amnesty for illegal aliens? Do they want crime to pay and qualify illegal aliens for Social Security and Medicare? Do they want all illegal aliens to be charged local tuition fees instead of out of state fees at your public colleges and universities? Do they favor forcing all government contracts at the Federal, state, and local levels to be given to American companies to employ American citizens? Do they favor all govenment regulated agencies especially those that approve rates for businesses such as electric, gas, telephone, water, waste, cable, and others to force employers to hire American citizens in America? Do they favor arm twisting corporations when it appears they are moving jobs overseas and it is not in America's interest for them to do it? Do they favor selling strategic American businesses to foreign countries?
The vast number of lobbyists in Washington work against working American citizens and we are paying the price for it. They lavish gifts on our elected officials. They donate huge funds for their re-election. The provide luxury travel on private jets to them. The lobbyists have easy access to our elected officials. Lobbiests write many of the bills in the Senate and the House. All elected officials know that if they play ball, then maybe they can obtain a very high paid lobbyist job in the future. There is not a fair number of lobbiests representing average American citizens in Washington. The average American does not have equal access to our elected officials and because of it, our causes are ignored too often.
Every American citizen must ask questions about how their elected officials vote and will vote in the future if they want a future fianancially secure for themselves, their children, and their grandchildren. We must join our local political party and also get involved at the county, state, and federal levels. We must write or email our representatives frequently. We must be informed and vote.