Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bad Machines Violate Everyone

Bad Machines Violate Everyone

I fear bad elections due to bad voting machines. We know what is necessary to double check results, but many election officials are adamant on relying on the bad machines that cannot be audited. We all remember the Gore-Bush election in Flrida in 2000. No-one needs to see that again.

My town eliminated the old fashioned parking meters where you can see how much time is available on each meter. They have a centralized machine where you put in the coins for the time you need no matter how much time was left from a predecessor driver parked the car in the same spot. I did not mind going to the lots in town when running a short errand, I could usually find a spot with more than enough time left on it and park my car there. And other drivers benefited at spots where I still had time on the meter left. Now, only the computer and police know how much time is left at each spot. The computer usually spits out a small ticket indicating how much time you paid for, but sometimes it runs out or has some sort of problem. Now I resent having to insert my quarter or two just to drop off a prescription and also to run in and pick it up later. I feel ripped off and avoid that type of parking lot and those merchants around the lot.

These cheesy people have failed to clearly state on signs when parking rules are in effect causing many people unfairly to feed the machine with quarters all of the time.

New Jersey is infamous for highway tolls and toll booths. On the garden State Parkway, there are 3 kinds of lanes: one for electronic collection of drivers that signed up for the E-ZPass system, exact change at physical automated toll both coin collection systems, and cash where there is usually a human parkway employee, but sometimes they are unmanned. I usually use the exact change toll booth lanes where you throw the exact change and the machine counts it and usually turns a light green or has an electronic message thanking you for the deposit. This past Friday, I drove into an exact change lane and threw into the bucket the exact change. But I did not get a green light or thank you, so I threw in an additional quarter, and that did not work either. Then read the sign in front of me that said to honk my horn, wait 10 seconds, and then drive through, which I did. And less than a week later, I get a summons for the 70 cent toll and a $25 fine. It burns me that I already paid 95 cents already and due to a faulty machine they are fining me $25. Well, I am going to avoid the Garden States Parkway and when I do use it I will go through the cash lines.

I'll pay the summons because it would be too costly and time consuming to fight it and I do not need the aggravation.

I am for progress and most machines make life better and sometimes less costly. But the bad voting machines in some states, the parking lot fee meters in Westfield, New Jersey, and the Garden State Parkway exact change toll booth mechanisms and collection processes should all be corrected. As Americans we already face too many nightmare and do not need these things screwing the us.