Thursday, August 28, 2008

Will Voters Punish Democrats and Republicans in November

Will Voters Punish Democrats and Republicans in November

We have a Democrat and a Republican vying for the Presidential Office and each are leaders of their respective parties. Everyone has heard them make promises if they become President.

The election is more than 60 days away and the oath of office is almost another 60 days further away. Why should America wait for the things they agree upon when the vast number of American citizens are in such pain? Are we going to have a do nothing Congress until the Oath of Office in January 2009?

So much valuable time is wasted with bad behavior of our congress-people. They should stop the insanity now. We would never stand such behaviour from our children, why should we accept it from Congress? We would never accept fault on one sibling blaming another.

Many countries have already made it to their energy independence and many others are well on their way, while America cannot make up its mind due to infighting and has no plan. Even lowly Iran is committed to fueling their cars with natural gas rather than gasoline and diesel in order to sell their oil at more than $100 per barrel.

Most of us knew that America led the world by example but now in many things, America has fell from high ranking to much lower rankings going lower. America must regain its leadership for the American people.

America would be so happy if Congress worked together during this lame duck session to solve some of the problems facing America. More than 300 million American citizens are looking for Congressional leadership.

The trend does not look good, my friends. What can American voters do to punish those in Congressional office for bad behaviour? The American voters can vote them out of office.