Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Foreign Aid for California and New Jersey

Foreign Aid for California and New Jersey

California and New Jersey and probably most other states are suffering from the recession and do not have the funds to operate efficiently. Many states are raising taxes and trying to reduce state employee headcount any way they can. California and New Jersey still need billions of dollars each in revenue and it is doubtful they or any other state will be able to raise it.

Published populations of illegal aliens are estimated to be in the range of 10 or 11 million people including children and children. Most Americans believe the numbers of illegal aliens in America are much higher than that.

Reagan provided amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and that was supposed to be the last time that amnesty was to be granted for illegal aliens.

Every President since Reagan has not closed the border to illegal aliens or criminals, prosecuted employers of illegal aliens, prosecuted landlords of illegal aliens, or prosecuted elected officials that grant sanctuary to illegal aliens.

Already taxes are excessive for American citizens and legal aliens. Services have been cut and will continue to be cut. Hospitals are being closed across America. Union County New Jersey lost 2 hospitals due to lack of funding for indigent patients. Hospital workers and teachers are being laid off because there is a lack of money to pay them.

Americans are generous people. There are not many people complaining about moderate legal immigration and the related costs to the taxpayers. Most people probably would not complain much about limited numbers of illegal aliens even 10 thousand of them across the country, but with tens of millions of illegal aliens, the taxpayers backs are breaking with excessive taxes.

Our elected officials are forcing American middle class taxpayers to pay for the education of millions of illegal children and the health care of tens of millions of illegal aliens when there are shortages of funds to provide adequate education and health care for the taxpayers. There is no difference in the education of legal citizens and the illegal alien children... the children are not specifically identified and well as health care for citizens and illegals.

Foreign Aid in the billions of dollars should be paid to the states to pay for the public services of the illegal aliens. What do you think? Notify all of your elected officials that we need to spend state taxpayer dollars on the American citizens and the legal aliens in America and that President Obama and the Congress should foot the bill of the illegals. The illegals are their responsibility not the states.

America is in recession and President Obama is seeking to increase employment and to reform health care. Supporting illegal aliens is so contrary to getting America out of a recession and to reform health care it is ridiculous. Illegal aliens in America is the Achilles heal of solving the American recession and obtaining health care reform.


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