It Is All About Jobs
15 Million Americans Are Out Of Work. So Why Is Our Government Still Bringing In 1.5 Million Foreign Workers A Year?
"It doesn’t make sense. 15 million Americans can’t find a job and our government is still allowing 1.5 million foreign workers a year to legally enter this country and take American jobs. And that’s not counting the illegal workers taking jobs. With Americans losing their houses and struggling to put food on the table, how can we continue giving jobs away? Does anyone really believe there’s a labor shortage? And yes, Americans will do "those jobs."
One of the problems is that most Americans don’t realize their own government is giving their jobs away. The whole concept this could be happening in this horrible economy is counter intuitive. So, if you want to help, start talking to your friends about it. Talk to the media about it. Send emails. Spread the word. Tell everyone you know. And get fired up about it because it’s just not right. Start by watching the TV spots below and emailing them to your friends. Then, go to the “How You Can Help” section below and take action. It’s up to all of us to stand up for the American worker now. Who knows, the job you save could be your own!"
CommentAmerican business is still in outsourcing mode and H1B mode while hundreds of thousands of American jobs disappear each month. American business and American government thinks that is ok to fire American labor unfairly or at will without consequences. As more Americans lose their jobs, the rotten economy will become worse. No state, town or city can support teachers, police, fire, or rescue with minimum wage jobs.
We must inform our elected officials and business that the status quo is unacceptable now. It is time for the pendulum to swing to create jobs in America. We must talk it up. Too many American officials talk a good line and then they hire aliens to perform budgeted work. Rank and file Americans must let government and business know that we need jobs to be given to Americans now.
Below is taken from
How You Can Help – If We All Speak Together, We’ll Be Heard Loud and Clear.
- Talk About It! Many Americans have no idea we’re still bringing in 1.5 million foreign workers a year to take American jobs. So talk about it, send emails and helps us communicate what’s going on. Talk to your friends and talk with the media. If we all speak together right now, we’ll be heard loud and clear!
- Start Asking Our Leaders Questions:
- Why are we bringing in 1.5 million foreign workers to take jobs when 15 million Americans are out of work?
- Ask why Congressman Gutierrez is insisting President Obama stop worksite enforcement of immigration laws? Enforcement is opening jobs across the country for unemployed Americans. Unfortunately, since President Obama took office, worksite enforcement has declined significantly.
- Why aren’t Jobs created by stimulus money just for American workers? That’s right, there aren’t safeguards in place to make sure Stimulus money jobs go to Americans? That idea was rejected! Right now, illegal workers and foreign workers are allowed to take Stimulus money jobs.
- Why are Congressman Gutierrez and Senator Schumer so adamant that we need to give illegal aliens amnesty and bring in more foreign workers now! That’s not Comprehensive Immigration Reform. That’s Comprehensive Amnesty. It would also be a Comprehensive Disaster for the American worker.
- Call President Obama at 202-456-1111. President Obama can make changes to the nation’s immigration policies without Congressional approval. Call him and tell him we need to reduce the number of foreign workers coming to this country to take jobs, so Americans can get those jobs.
- Believe it or not, many in Congress don’t know we’re still giving jobs away. If you want to help educate members of Congress, the Congressional switchboard can be reached at 202-224-3121.
- Join A CFAW Group. For that matter, join them all! Get active and let’s make a difference.
Checkout the URL's below for additional information. Some people may not be informed how big the problem is. Many people may not be aware of the bull that some elected officials and American corporations spreading. Below is taken from the website of Programmer's Guild Partners and Alliances :
The Programmer's Guild works with and supports the following groups and organizations:
American Engineering Association (The "good" AEA)
California Labor Federation (AFL-CIO)
Californians for Population Stabilization
The Coalition for the Future American Worker (CFAW)
Displaced Techies
Hire America
Hire American Citizens
Information Technology Professional Association of America (ITPAA)
NumbersUSA (Send faxes to Congresss)
Onshore Alternatives Lists companies that offshore and keep work onshore
Outsource Congress - Mike Emmons
Rescue American Jobs
Save U.S. Jobs
TORAW (The Organization for the Rights of American Workers)
Washtech - Washington Alliance of Technology Workers CWA/AFL-CIO
Zazona - H-1B Hall of Shame
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