Friday, January 18, 2008

Don't Waste Our Food Supply

Don't Waste Our Food Supply

"The inflation report also suggested that the purchasing power of American workers was being steadily eroded. The cost of gasoline rose nearly 30 percent in 2007, and medical care costs also soared. Commodities and food prices increased about 5 percent for the year."

A lot of our food supply is being converted to energy. A lot of corn is used to produce ethanol which is used as fuel for cars in America. Some cars are built to use 100% ethanol while most can use a blend of ethanol and gasoline.

Corn is used directly in our American food supply and also as a primary major animal food for chicken and beef and other animals in our food supply. The chain continues because we obtain milk from the cows and eggs from the chicken. Americans drink the milk and eat the eggs, but these products are also used as ingredients in baked goods and yet other products.

It would not be so bad if Washington ratcheted up corn production and the surplus corn for example was used to produce ethanol, but the Americans food supply has to compete with the ethanol industry on an equal bases (price only) for the corn. This is bad for America.

The problem is not solely with corn but most other basic foods such as wheat also.

From what I understand, there are millions of acres in America where farmers are paid not to grow things...maybe they should be told to grow corn or some other basic food to support the ethanol producers. Maybe, Washington should have or should now facilitate the growth of corn or wheat in tens of millions of acres dedicated to ethanol production in American public lands or even in American Indian properties.

Maybe Washington should develop a comprehensive energy plan big enough to eliminate our need for foreign oil and to eliminate jeopardising our food supply.

I think we should all contact Washington representatives with the message to stop harming our food supply and develop a comprehensive worthwhile energy plan. Send an email to President Bush, his cabinet secretaries of agriculture and energy, your senators, and your representative to the House of representatives. We should also write to our governors and state representatives...


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