Friday, July 13, 2007

50% of Personal Bankruptcies Are Due To Medical Bills

California Governor Schwarzenegger Says New Study Shows How Rising Health Care Costs Negatively Impact Economy

About half of all personal bankruptcies in the United States are due to medical bills. Several studies—including two published by Harvard Medical School and the Health Affairs journal—put the number of bankruptcies due to medical causes at approximately 50 percent. The typical person filing for bankruptcy due to medical costs is about 40 years old, with some college education, middle-class or working-class, and a homeowner.


It is easy to be without healthcare coverage and it has happened to most of us. Just leave a job where you had insurance and your coverage will be dropped quickly. Premium increases may mean that we can no longer afford to pay it.

Even with healthcare insurance, insurance companies weasel their way out of paying for treatment by saying it is a pre-existing condition or some other reason. Just because one has insurance, does not mean that our healthcare bills will be paid by our insurance provider.

Most of us are a medical disaster away from personal bankruptcy.

More than 50% of American personal bankruptcies are due to medical bills which is unheard of in dozens of other industrialized nations that provide national healthcare.

Americans must be ferocious demanding national healthcare from our elected officials in Washington or else it will continue to be ignored. Our elected officials are shameful with their excuses. Tens of millions of Americans including children have no healthcare insurance. There are too many escape routes for insurance companies not to pay claims.

Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Presidential Candidate, has the best proposal for national healthcare and shames the other candidates such as Hillary Clinton. Hillary should show some backbone on healthcare reform.

"The plan is embodied in HR 676 the Conyers-Kucinich bill, written by Dennis Kucinich & John Conyers
Michael Moore supports HR 676 and thanks Dennis for running for President. You can watch the video here
The plan covers all healthcare needs, including dental care, mental health care, vision care, prescription drugs, and long-term care - at NO extra cost!
Kucinich's plan, HR 676, is supported by 78 Members of Congress , more than 260 Union Locals , and 14,000 physicians and is endorsed by the New Hampshire House of Representatives. "

Does you Representative support HR 676? Find out and find out why not if that is the case. Do your Senators support HR 676 also? Ask your Governor and state representatives to endorse HR 676. Ask Hillary Clinton and other canidates to endorse HR 676.


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