Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Jersey Wants To Be Adopted By Alaska

New Jersey Wants To Be Adopted By Alaska

Alaska has no state income, property or sales tax.

In fact 610,768, all of Alaska's residents qualified for an annual dividend of $2069 plus a one time Alaska Revenue Rebate of $1200 totalling $3269.

"Sept. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who has joined the Republican national ticket as a tax-cutter, was a driving force in raising a tax on oil companies last year that will help swell the state's budget surplus.

The increase backed by the Republican vice presidential nominee will, at current prices, raise oil revenue to $11 billion this year -- almost twice what the state needs to fund its government -- state documents show. Alaska also has gotten more money from the federal government than its residents pay in taxes -- $1.75 per tax dollar in 2006, the most recent year available, according to the Tax Foundation, a Washington research group. "...

"``It's like Dubai. It gets enormous royalties and taxes and fees of various types from oil,'' said Chris Edwards, an economist and state budget expert at the Cato Institute, a Washington group that advocates low taxes and small government. "

I could not believe it when I read it that Alaska has no state income, property, or sales tax and that Alaskans even get a rebate of more than $3 thousand dollars this year from their state. And the state has tens of billions of dollars in surplus. And receives twice the money the state needs to operate meaning it can contribute billions more each year to that surplus. And they are receiving $1.75 for each Federal tax dollar Alaskan citizens pay the Federal Government.

My first thought is that as a New Jersey citizen, the taxes are horrendous, we receive little from our state government, and less than one dollar for every dollar the Federal Government collects from New Jersey taxpayers. New Jersey has no surplus having it spent out by Republican Christie Whitman who even led the state deeper in debt. And the state has horrendous billion dollar bills to pay especially for New Jersey state and local pension and other retirement expense funding. New Jersey has been called the highest tax state in the country. And there is no relief of its citizens in sight.

I think Governor Corzine and the New Jersey legislature should ask Governor Palin and the Alaskan Legislature for adoption just for a few billion dollars of their gargantuan surplus each year to balance the New Jersey state budget each year. Alaska can afford it. If Alsaska refuses the first time, try begging. Tell them the slogan, "Alaska and New Jersey...Perfect Together".

I want to know whether the Governor Palin family will receive only 2 of the Permanent Fund Dividends and the one time Alaska Revenue Rebates or whether they and all of their children are eligible?At $3269 for each dividend and rebate it would be $6538 for only husband and wife, but for husband and wife and 5 kids it would be $22883. Boy am I jealous either way.

I cannot imagine the benefits from taxing the big oil companies would be so good. It almost makes Senator John McCain's promises and declarations of lower taxes to be ridiculous. Alaskans would never eliminate their taxes on the energy companies. Maybe America should enact special royalties and taxes from the oil companies and give the rebates back to American citizens like Alaska. Imagine no Federal income, property, or sales tax and everyone in America would be given thousands of dollars each year as dividends and rebates.

Let Governor Palin tell everyone how Alaska taxes the oil companies so America can do it at the national level and provide all American citizens with dividends and rebates while reducing personal Federal taxes.

Or if that does not work, Alaska please adopt New Jersey and give us a few billions of dollars of your revenue surplus each year from the oil companies so we can better balance our New Jersey state budget. We will not eliminate or reduce our taxes but maybe not increase them in the future.

Maybe Alaska should share with all of the 49 other states.


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